Jun 17, 2023

My rhetorical questions sometimes aren't entirely rhetorical. Some of these questions are just asked to broaden my view and perspective of God's love toward me and His children.

What happened to/in between Hosea and Gomer was that which happens without human design or forethought.

God's act of constantly coming for me should be an act that I emulate and imitate.

Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children...
Ephesians 5:1

If He doesn't relent to run after the sinful and unfaithful, why should I? If He doesn't relent to run after the sinful and unfaithful, I shouldn't relent also to run to Him who is sinless and faithful.


Written by wordsofnimrod_

Everything that concerns Nimrod! Faith, Art, Music, Children/Teenagers, Teaching, Poetry, Literature, and Spiritual Growth. Of course from the God-Perspective

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